Monday, November 26, 2012


Membaca, rata - rata sekarang seluruh manusia bisa membaca. Membaca juga diajarkan sejak taman kanak - kanak. Mulai dari A I U E O sampai BA BI BU BE BO. Dan huruf huruf lainnya.

"Begitu belajar membaca, engkau akan menjadi bebas untuk selamanya."
~Frederick Douglass
 “Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”
~John Green, An Abundance of Katherines
 “Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.”
~Gustave Flaubert
 “My personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.”
~Edith Sitwell
“I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dalam agama saya pun mewajibkan membaca. "Membacalah dengan menyebut nama Tuhanmu"

Tapi apa kita (manusia) sadar bahwa membaca tidak hanya "membaca" (tulisan) tapi juga membaca apapun di sekitar kita. Alam, manusia, kehidupan, bahkan membaca suara.

Membacalah sebagai jalan bebas hambatan.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trampled Rose

Just like a trampled rose, a life of pain and sorrow
A constant struggle every day, your dreams seem so far away.
All your friends turn their backs on you, people put you down
Point their fingers and stare,
Done no wrong, but you've been accused
 Now you're on your own

The next day feels just the same, you're caught in a waiting game
So you start to build a wall, so you can't feel anything at all
You may think, that the sun don't shine, that you're the only one
But you have to believe,
For it's said, they that sow tears, will reap in Joy

Pull down those walls and let your light shine,
Rise from your pain, and hold your head high
And look into the light

Even though the road seems long, everything you do looks so wrong,
Pick yourself off the ground, dust yourself off, come out of the dark.
Don't give up, don't forget your dreams, you can make it through, you just got to believe,
You are strong, You are beautiful, You can break those chains.

Pull down those walls and let your light shine,
Rise from your pain, and hold your head high
Give thanks to god for what you've got,
Forget what you want and see what you have

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Terima kasih

Kalian pernah memperhatikan orang yang sedang berdoa?

Kenapa mereka selalu menunduk.Apa mereka merasa lebih tinggi dari Sang Pencipta.
Bukankah seharusnya kita berdoa menghadap ke atas karena kita lebih rendah dari Tuhan yang menciptakan semua, alam beserta isinya yang terlihat maupun tak terlihat.

Apa doa - doa mereka semua berupa penyesalan, apa doa mereka semua berupa ketakutan akan masa depan mereka. Sedang masa depan telah Dia tentukan.

Mulai sekarang berdoalah menghadap ke atas untuk berterima kasih telah memberikan semua yang kita perlukan di dunia ini.